Obsessed With The Best.

Dr. Keith has been with KMK since 2010 – one of their first hires – and Co-Founded KMK Coaching in 2021. He completed optometry school at Pacific Universit... more +

Dr. Nicole Theiss was born and raised in the Toronto area and has always had a passion for education and health. After graduating from the University of Gu... more +

Kerri graduated from Pacific University College of Optometry in 2019 and completed her residency at Southern College of Optometry in Pediatrics and Vision ... more +

Dr. Paul Hammond is a consultative optometrist specializing in glaucoma and corneal disease in Minneapolis, Minn., with North Suburban Eye Specialists, a multi-specialty referral practice... more +

Bobby graduated summa cum laude from Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas, with a degree in Biochemistry. He then graduated summa cum laude with a dual OD/MS degree from the Uni... more +

Rachael completed her undergraduate degree at the University of Missouri – Columbia, double majoring in Biology and German. She then went on to optometry school in her hometown at the U... more +